2016-05-16_03 featured press

Reforma – El hechizo de Jaroussky

2016-05-16, Reforma, by Francisco Morales V.

Cd. de México, México (16 mayo 2016).-   Frente a la pantalla, otra imagen de maravillas: a pesar del frío, la lluvia, el ruido y el mal sonido, unas 150 personas, boquiabiertas, penden de una nota sostenida por el contratenor Philippe Jaroussky.

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2016-05-17_01 featured press

Noticias22Agencia – Philippe Jaroussky en México

2016-05-16, Noticias22Agencia on Youtube

Philippe Jaroussky en México
Juan Arturo Brennan habla sobre el contratenor Philippe Jaroussky y su visita a México.

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2016-05-16 featured press

El Universal – Conquista Bellas Artes Philippe Jaroussky – Translation to English

2016-05-16, El Universal, by Yanet Aguilar Sosa

El contratenor francés, considerado “el Farinelli del siglo XXI”, pisó por primera vez este recinto en Mexico


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Philippe Jaroussky conquers the Bellas Artes

The French countertenor, considered “the Farinelli of the 21st century,” first sets foot in a concert hall in Mexico

By Yanet Aguilar Sosa

Five times he reappeared on stage at the Palacio de Bellas Artes: French countertenor Philippe Jaroussky, accompanied by pianist Jérôme Ducros. Four times to interpret French songs that confirmed his great vocal quality as well as his generosity; the last time solely for saying goodbye to an audience that had risen to their feet.

That evening, the musical warmth of Jaroussky was evident during his only performance at the Palacio de Bellas Artes that the singer with the vocal range of the castrati, the most important countertenor of present times, set foot in for the first time in his life.

When he returned for the encore, the celebrated artist said he was very happy and excited to sing for the first time at the legendary concert hall in Mexico.

Four popular French pieces were Jaroussky’s gift for the audience who gave him standing ovations. There, among the people in the audience, was Mexican tenor Javier Camarena, who always praised the talent of the French countertenor of 38 years who has received numerous awards and recognition for a career that based on a voice that oscillates from refinement to modern touch.

The French singer who is considered “the Farinelli of the twenty-first century” conquered the Bellas Artes with Fine Arts with a sumptuous repertoire of the nineteenth century, with the interpretation of wide-spanning program comprising pieces by Reynaldo Hahn, Poldowski, Gabriel Fauré, Claude Debussy, Emmanuel Chabrier, Ernest Chausson, Józef Szulc, André Caplet, Arthur Honegger, Léo Ferré and Charles Trenet.

The program lasted more than two hours, focusing on melodies and French songs based on poems by Paul Verlaine. He was accompanied by the famous pianist Jérôme Ducros, who also performed four solo pieces.

Visibly excited and happy, the singer sang encores that were equally celebrated by the audience. Roberto Ángulo said at the end of the concert: “How generous he is. Others would just have said ‘I am singing my program and that’s it.’”

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2016-05-15_02 featured press

Palacio de Bellas Artes oficial – El contratenor, Philippe Jaroussky conquistó la Sala Principal …

2016-05-15, Palacio de Bellas Artes oficial

El contratenor, Philippe Jaroussky conquistó la Sala Principal del Palacio de Bellas Artes. […]

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2016-05-15_03 featured press

Philippe Jaroussky on Facebook – Visitando Teotihuacan

2016-05-15, Philippe Jaroussky on Facebook

Visitando Teotihuacan… Por fin el primero concierto hoy en Mexico City en el Palacio de Bellas Artes a las 17 […]

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2016-05-15_04 featured press

Palacio de Bellas Artes oficial – ¿Reconoces esta Sala?

2016-05-16,  Palacio de Bellas Artes oficial on Facebook

¿Reconoces esta Sala? ¿Reconoces este telón? ¿Reconoces a este contratenor?

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2016-05-13 featured press

SFgate – A splendid musical evening with Verlaine

2016-05-13, SFgate/San Francisco Chronicle, by Joshua Kosman

Thursday’s program, presented by Cal Performances, laid claim to wider turf. It turns out that the French art song responds vibrantly to the countertenor’s vaulting, muscular falsetto — at least when wielded with the eloquence and tonal clarity that Jaroussky brings to the task.

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2016-05-12_04 featured press

Interescena – Philippe Jaroussky en Bellas Artes, un recital entronizado por el poeta Paul Verlaine

2016-05-12, Interescena, by Enrique R. Mirabal

Philippe Jaroussky se presenta en el Palacio de Bellas Artes mayo 2016. Foto Simon Fowler Así como la música pop y el rock han generado sus ídolos a los que legiones de fans rinden pleitesía, también en los terrenos de la música de concierto, clásica o como se quiera clasificar, se ha dado un fenómeno que, a otra escala, presenta sus analogías relacionadas con las modas al uso.



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2016-05-12_03 featured press

El Financiero – El fenómeno Jaroussky

2016-05-12, El Financiero, by María Eugenia Sevilla

El contratenor más aclamado del mundo debuta en Bellas Artes con música francesa del siglo XIX. Philippe Jaroussky, de 38 años, se basa en un conjunto de cualidades y de aciertos, no sólo en la voz. Un prodigio.


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2016-05-12_02 featured press

kultur-port.de – Das Alte Werk 2016/17: Klingende Überraschungen aus vergangenen Jahrhunderten

2016-05-12, kultur-port.de, by Hans-Juergen Fink

Seit 1956 ist die NDR-Konzertreihe „Das Alte Werk“ Spezialist für alte Musik und Garant für hochwertige Entdeckungen im Repertoire wie bei den ausführenden Musikern. Für die kommende Saison gibt es Musiküberraschungen zu Jahrestagen von Telemann, Monteverdi und Hieronymus Bosch, dazu etliche Ausgrabungen aus europäischen Bibliotheken und Archiven – hochwertige Delikatessen für Liebhaber und Neugierige.


Countertenor Philippe Jaroussky, als „Artist in residence“ des NDR Elbphilharmonie Orchesters ohnehin häufiger in Hamburg zu hören, singt die Altpartien in zwei Passionskantaten von Telemann und der Kantate „Ich habe genug“ von Johann Sebastian Bach (8.11.).

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