2020-02-03, Konzerthaus Dortmund, by N. N.
“Countertenor Philippe Jaroussky ist der neue Curating Artist der Saison 2020/21.” […] [Press release]
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Press Archive
2020-02-03, Konzerthaus Dortmund, by N. N.
“Countertenor Philippe Jaroussky ist der neue Curating Artist der Saison 2020/21.” […] [Press release]
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2019-06, Radio Classique, N. N.
“Philippe Jaroussky continue de nous subjuguer au fil des années avec sa voix cristalline et son insatiable curiosité. Il a pourtant découvert sa vocation de contre-ténor par hasard. Au faîte de sa carrière il a ressenti « le besoin de donner à d’autres » et a créé une Académie qui porte son nom à la Seine musicale.” […]
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2018-10-17 Teatro Real on Facebook
“Rueda de prensa del esperado estreno en España de la ópera #OnlyTheSoundRemains, de la premiada compositora Kaija Saariaho …”
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Dass die erste bedeutende Oper der Musikgeschichte von einem der legendärsten Musiker der antiken Mythologie handelt, ist sicher kein Zufall: In seinem Orfeo gab Claudio Monteverdi diesem großen Sänger eine Stimme, deren Klang sogar wilde Tiere be-sänftigen und Steine zum Weinen bringen konnte. Zum 450. Geburtstag des frühbarocken Genies im Mai 2017 stellt sich der Star-Countertenor Philippe Jaroussky der Herausforderung, wie Orpheus selbst zu singen – mit einem Album, das die Orfeo-Legenden der Monteverdi-Zeit beleuchtet.
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2017-01-12, Warner Music Group (wmg), by n. N.
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2015-02-11, Warner
“‘Voici des fruits, des fleurs, des feuilles et des branches,
Et puis voici mon cœur qui ne bat que pour vous’
‘Here are fruits, flowers, leaves and branches,
And here is my heart, which beats only for you.’
Philippe Jaroussky sings these intimate lines three times on his forthcoming double album of Verlaine poetry in mélodies and chansons from Fauré to Ferré. Debussy, Fauré and André Caplet all set the poem Green, which gives the album its enigmantic title.
Source/Read more: Warner Classics
2015-01-30, Warner Classics
As Philippe Jaroussky points out in his new video, Paul Verlaine’s poems have been more frequently set to music than any other French writer’s. The countertenor has drawn together a double album’s worth of French mélodies and chansons with words by his favourite poet to create a personal Verlaine ‘songbook’.
Source: Warner Classics
2015-01-15, Warner Classics
“Jaroussky, speaking of a Verlaine setting by Reynaldo Hahn, has said that the poet ‘conveys a feeling of both moonlit abstraction and of the allusive, but very sensual caress of the beloved. There is always a sensual element in Verlaine’s writing.'”…
via Warner Classics
2014-12-30, Warner Classics
“Green, the long-awaited follow-up to Opium, is a collection of song settings of the poems of Paul Verlaine, one of the most influential figures of the fin de siècle. Verlaine’s life was in turns full of love and loss, promise and disappointment, vitality and addiction, and his ground-breaking symbolist poetry inspired a generation of creative minds – the artists Courbet and Carrière (who counted amongst those who would paint portraits of Verlaine), the writer Boris Pasternak (who translated much of his verse into Russian), and of course the composers Debussy, Chausson, Faure and Hahn, just a handful of the many spurred on to set his poetry during a golden age of French music.”
Disc 1
01 Colloque sentimental – Philippe Jaroussky}
02 5 Mélodies, Op. 58 dites ‘Venise’: I. Mandoline – Philippe Jaroussky
03 Prison – Philippe Jaroussky
04 10 Mélodies, Op. 83: I. Clair de lune – Philippe Jaroussky