2015-07-09 featured press

James Karas – Review of Alcina Aix-en-Provence Production

2015-07-09, James Karas – Reviews and Views

The whole story is about the faithful Bradamante going in search of her fiancé Ruggiero sung by the inimitable countertenor Phillippe Jaroussky. He is part of a small number of first rate singers who can reach the heights and achieve the delicacy of the male voice in upper vocal ranges. The role was originally sung by castrati and in modern productions is usually performed by mezzo-sopranos. Jaroussky performs it with ease and panache.

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The Idle Woman – Philippe Jaroussky: Festival Concert

2015-06-07, The Idle Woman

“In early June, all Baroque roads lead to Halle in Saxony-Anhalt, which holds an annual Handel festival in honour of its most famous son. As a Londoner by adoption, I confess to a slight sense of possessiveness over Handel, who moved away from Halle at the age of eighteen (as opposed to the 47 years he spent living and working in London), but I suppose we can share him.”

via The Idle Woman



“Qui je suis?” – Philippe Jaroussky in Neumarkt

“Concerts at Neumarkt are special. It’s a rare luxury to listen to performers of this prestige in a relatively small venue with about 500 seats. The events are made possible by the Konzertverein; patrons donate and fund the concerts that, on federal budget alone, wouldn’t be feasible. The venue is famous for its acoustic qualities. The Reitstadel is almost perfect for the kind of repertoire – it is big enough to flatter the performer so they feel relaxed, and at the same time is small enough to allow the singer to rest assured that their voice will carry to the last row even at the most subtle of pianos. At the same time, the acoustics benefit the clarity of the consonants, highly beneficial for a recital of songs that are centered on the words, and highlighting Jaroussky’s splendid diction in that case. The audience is much like at the Ansbacher Bachwoche – very appreciative, educated, and very disciplined.” […]

Our own review; view full text at Philippe Jaroussky Completely Unofficial


Mediapart – Philippe Jaroussky chante Verlaine

2015-02-23, Mediapart

…”Philippe Jaroussky s’avance avec un brin de gravité mais, suivant les mots de l’illustre Paul, sans rien qui pèse ou qui pose.”

Source/Read more: Mediapart


El Mundo – ¿Qué es un contratenor?

2015-01-17, El Mundo

“Philippe Jaroussky, gran estrella de la ópera y protagonista de ‘Niobe’ en Madrid, explica la fama y el misterio que rodea a los nuevos “monstruos” del escalafón de los cantante.”

Source/Watch video on: El Mundo

2014 featured press

Opera Lounge – Jaroussky dirigiert sich selbst

2014, Opera Lounge, by Frédéric Delaméa

[…] Mir ist die Kantate Filiae maestae Jerusalem RV 638 („Betrübte Töchter Jerusalems, seht, der König aller, euer König verwundet und mit Dornen gekrönt …“) besonders nahe gegangen. Ein sehr verinnerlichtes Stück, dem Jaroussky eine unnachahmliche Schlichtheit gibt. Es bohrt sich einem ins Herz – und verbreitet doch keine Trauer und Schwermut. Jaroussky entlockt dieser Musik Zuversicht, Hoffnung und Poesie. Eine Wirkung, die von dem gesamten Album ausgeht. […]

Mit einem Vivaldi-Album geht der Countertenor neue Wege


Martin Wullich – Philippe Jaroussky, desanimado

2015-12-29, Martin Wullich
“Quizás por el repertorio elegido, Vivaldi y solamente Vivaldi -aún en los bises-, es que Philippe Jaroussky, el célebre contratenor, nos dejó con ganas de más. O, dicho de otro modo, esperábamos un recital con más brillo, incluso en su voz, del premiado cantante que tanto ha dado que hablar en la última década. No es que haya estado mal, en absoluto, su delicadeza y sutiles pianissimi estuvieron muy presentes”…

via Martin Wullich blog

2015-11-21 featured press

Mediapart – Le Jaroussky nouveau

2014-11-21, Mediapart

Chaque année, Philippe Jaroussky nous revient.


Le résultat nous touche, il nous impressionne aussi. Rare est l’artiste dont on a la certitude qu’il saura vieillir, associer la science du temps qui passe à l’éclat de la ferveur. Philippe Jaroussky se fait une certaine idée du millésime.”

via Mediapart


El Comercio – Gran cierre de temporada de la SFL con Philippe Jaroussky

2014-11-18, El Comercio

Lima disfrutó este sábado en el Auditorio Santa Úrsula del encanto y magnetismo de la música de Antonio Vivaldi en la interpretación de sus mejores embajadores, el contratenor francés Philippe Jaroussky junto al Ensemble Artaserse.

via El Comercio

2011-10-29 featured press

outwestarts.blogspot.de – The Sopranist

2011-10-29, outwestarts.blogspot.de, by Brian

He’s technically a sopranist countertenor with his range lying closer to a soprano’s than a mezzo’s. His voice is bright with very effortless top notes he can float above the audience for days. His coloratura work is significantly more agile and precise than most vocalists of any range and he used that ability for some remarkable moments as with “Con l’ali di costanza” from Handel’s Ariodante. However, the lower end of his range could become weak and fade out even with the small ensemble accompanying him. Yet, when he chose arias that stayed more completely in the upper part of his range he excelled as with “Si mai senti spirati sul volto”. […]
Of course, it wasn’t just the aria selection that showed the singer’s acumen, it was his choice of touring partners as well. […] The small ensemble of players on this tour managed a delicate sound that perfectly matched Jaroussky’s tone, never overwhelming it.
Labels: UCLA Live [California, Los Angeles]

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