
GBOpera Magazine – Aix, Festival de Pâques 2015: Philippe Jaroussky & Quatuor Ebène

2015-04-09, GBOpera Magazine

“Pendant le Festival de Pâques les concerts suivis par un public fidèle venu de tous horizons se succèdent avec la même qualité. En cette fin d’après-midi du 9 avril, Le contre-ténor Philippe Jaroussky, accompagné du pianiste Jérôme Ducros et du quatuor Ebène, était attendu avec impatience. Ce concert évènement prenait place dans le joli théâtre du Jeu de paume où chanteur et musiciens se trouvaient sur la scène comme dans un écrin, créant instantanément une ambiance propice à la poésie et à la musique.” […]



France 2 – Philippe Jaroussky – Thé ou café

2015-04-05, France 2

via  Thé ou café – France 2

our screenshots can be found here

interview – Back to Back

What is your worst nightmare before a performance?
That I don’t arrive, arrive late. I am always running.

What is the last thing that left you speechless?
A video clip of Leontyne Price

In which language do you dream?
In Italian.

What is your worst nightmare before a performance?
That I don’t arrive, arrive late. I am always running.

What is the last thing that left you speechless?
A video clip of Leontyne Price

In which language do you dream?
In Italian.

What kind of music do you find unbearable?
Rap music

What part of your physique that you like most?
I would say the eyes.

Which is your worst flaw?

What is the worst discourtesy for you?
People who are always in a bad mood before others.

What is the luxury you cannot live without?
A good wine.

Which is your worst habit?
Lazing in bed.

What was your last craziest purchase?
My last appartment.

What is the compliment you hate?
When I am told I have a beautiful voice.

Would you like to have been born a woman?
Ehm, quite frankly, no.

What is a total turn-off for you?

On what occasions do you lie?
During interviews.

When was the last time you were drunk? (Translator’s note: This can also be meant in a figurative sense.)
In Spain. Time passes differently at night.

A task you procrastinate?
Paperwork I can deal with the next month.

The last time you cried?
At the death of my grandfather.

The most sensual love declaration?
For me, it’s a glance.

And the most sensual voice (in Jazz)?
Ella Fitzgerald, of course.



France 2 – Les pouvoirs du corps humain – France 2

2015-03-17, France 2


via France 2  YouTube

our screenshots are here



FranceInfo – “Sortir en boîte ce n’est pas bien pour la voix, c’est pour ça que je le fais”

2015-03-04, FranceInfo, Radio France

“Philippe Jaroussky  vient de sortir un double album chez Erato :  “Green”,  ce sont des mélodies françaises sur des poèmes de Verlaine.

Si Philippe Jaroussky dit pouvoir chanter aussi haut, c’est grâce à un défaut de ses cordes vocales, ce qui peut inquiéter le contre-ténor de savoir que toute sa carrière repose uniquement sur ses deux seules cordes vocales.”

Source/To the podcast: France info


Europe 1 Social Club

2015-03-03, Europe 1, Social Club

“Frédéric Taddeï reçoit le chanteur, comédien et écrivain Marc Lavoine, le producteur Gérard Meys, l’humoriste Olivier de Benoist, le contre-ténor Philippe Jaroussky, le réalisateur et écrivain Raphaël Glucksmann et le philosophe et historien Rémi Brague.”

Source: Europe 1


Das Erste, ttt – Superstar der hohen Töne

2015-03-01, Das Erste, ttt (Titel, Thesen, Temperamente)

“Er sang die Arien des Kastraten Farinelli und die großen Klassiker des Barock. Das leiseste Atemholen wird bei ihm zu subtiler Gestaltung: Philippe Jaroussky ist der beste Countertenor der Gegenwart – so urteilen zumindest viele Kritiker des “Orchideenfachs” seit Jahren. Philippe Jaroussky, ein 38-jähriger Franzose mit dem “Look” eines verführerischen Engels – klanglich souverän und mühelos virtuos”…

Source: Das Erste

The following is not a professional translation; no profit is being made, no infringement of copyright is intended.


Superstar of the High Notes

Why countertenor Philippe Jaroussky sings the praise of the poet Verlaine

He has sung the arias written for the castrato Farinelli as well as the big classics of Baroque. The most silent breath turns subtle creation with him: Philippe Jaroussky is the best countertenor of the present – at least, that’s the judgement of many critics of this rare discipline, for years now. Philippe Jaroussky, a Frenchman of 38 [sic! – he is 37 in fact] years with the looks of a seductive angel – vocally masterful, and effortlessly virtuosic.

Jaroussky’s repertoire spans exceptionally wide: from the emphasis on Baroque up to contemporary opera. For his new album, “Green,” he went back to the 19th century, and immersed himself in the life of the poet whose poems were set to music more often than anyone else’s in France: the scandalous genius Paul Verlaine, iconic figure of the Bohème, protagonist of scandalous stories full of violence, sex, and passions, who the French are as familiar with – which includes his adventurous biography – as the Germans are with Goethe, Schiller, or Heine.

“ttt” met Philippe Jaroussky in Paris. Starting at the 4th of May, he is going to tour Germany and Europe. We asked him why we should still be interested in Verlaine today.

Author: Stefanie Appel

The feature: [transcript]

Philippe Jaroussky: His voice is inspired by beauty. As if it was fallen out of time. In Paris, in this winter, it is almost unreal. Mostly, he sings sacral music and often, Baroque opera, the classical domain of a countertenor. Now, for once, he wanted to do something completely different.

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Le Figaro – Verlaine through the Ages

2015-02-27, Warner, Le Figaro
Translated from the original French. Interview by Thierry Clermont in Le Figaro, 19 February, 2015.

So you’ve had this project Green in mind for a long time?

PJ: It’s been in the works for about eight years. I love Verlaine’s poetry and his universe, made up of languor and melancholy as well as lightness and humour. I find myself there. Just think of the themes and the characters of his second collection of poems, Fêtes galantes, with its baroque side and its pastoral atmosphere. Most of his poems are short, arrhythmic – even dissonant . As he says in his Art poétique he prefers the odd lines out. It’s very human poetry, sensual but with childlike simplicity.

Source: Warner


Forum Opéra – Green, mélodies françaises sur des poèmes de Verlaine

2015-02-26, Forum Opéra

Son ambiguïté est décadence, au sens le plus précieux du terme, sans qu’aucune affectation ne vienne en pervertir la sincérité. Au contraire, si paradoxal que cela puisse paraître, le naturel prédomine : naturel de la diction dans sa volonté de rendre compréhensible chaque phonème et, au delà de la compréhension, donner à percevoir la signification de chaque mot ; naturel de l’interprétation qui, à l’instar de Brassens et Ferré, essaye de débarrasser ces vers de leur empois poétique, de les rendre les plus proches possible du langage parlé ; naturel faisant la plupart de ces mélodies, non pas pièces de salon souffreteuses, mais chansons que l’on se surprend à fredonner comme un air à la mode.

Source/Read more: Forum Opéra


Forum Opéra – Philippe Jaroussky passe à la musique contemporaine

2015-02-25, Forum Opéra

“Apparemment, l’exploration de la mélodie française – on lira demain ici le compte rendu de son disque Green – ne suffit plus à Philippe Jaroussky pour échapper au répertoire baroque. En mars 2016 à Amsterdam, il créera un opéra de chambre de Kaija Saariaho, Only the Sound Remains ; bizarrement, ce vers d’Edward Thomas a déjà servi de titre à plusieurs œuvres contemporaines, en 2007 pour le compositeur iranien Amir Mahyar Tafreshipour, et en 2010 pour le Britannique Howard Skempton”…

Source: Forum Opéra