2014-05, Opera News, by Sylvia L’Écuyer
ON: Do you initiate these projects, such as the Handel operas, or are they proposed to you?
PJ: Both. I have reached a point where I can initiate an opera project in order to sing a particular role. However, I have to accept that I will likely never perform the role of my dreams, Handel’s Ariodante. Singing “Dopo notte” after “Scherza infida” is more than I can manage onstage. I did include these in a Farinelli recital program in February for a U.S. tour, but Ariodante will remain a major disappointment in my life.
I have also just realized that I like to work with the same people over and over again, and I believe I have reached a certain balance in my artistic life because of this. It is always reassuring to know the person you are working with.