2017-03-26 featured press

The Guardian – Monteverdi, Sartorio, Rossi: La storia di Orfeo CD review – glorious Jaroussky

2017-26-03 The Guardian, by Nicholas Kenyon

“The presiding genius is countertenor Philippe Jaroussky who sings gloriously (though he is arguably not best suited to Monteverdi’s high tenor hero in his lavish Possente spirto). Jaroussky is well matched by Emöke Baráth’s crystal-clear soprano. Sartorio’s post-Cavalli idiom is sweetly melodic; I was much more taken by the strong, eloquent extracts from Luigi Rossi’s Orfeo of 1647.”

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2017-03-10 featured press

Warner Classics – La Storia di Orfeo


Dass die erste bedeutende Oper der Musikgeschichte von einem der legendärsten Musiker der antiken Mythologie handelt, ist sicher kein Zufall: In seinem Orfeo gab Claudio Monteverdi diesem großen Sänger eine Stimme, deren Klang sogar wilde Tiere be-sänftigen und Steine zum Weinen bringen konnte. Zum 450. Geburtstag des frühbarocken Genies im Mai 2017 stellt sich der Star-Countertenor Philippe Jaroussky der Herausforderung, wie Orpheus selbst zu singen – mit einem Album, das die Orfeo-Legenden der Monteverdi-Zeit beleuchtet.

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2017-03-09_02 featured press

Philippe Jaroussky on Facebook – “It was unthinkable to construct a programme around the Orfeo myth without Eurydice.”

2017-03-09, Philippe Jaroussky on Facebook

“It was unthinkable to construct a programme around the Orfeo myth without Eurydice.” […]

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2017-03-03 featured press

Philippe Jaroussky on Facebook – “Mon nouveau bébé est disponible à partir d’aujourd’hui!”

2017-03-03, Philippe Jaroussky on Facebook

“Mon nouveau bébé est disponible à partir d’aujourd’hui! […]”

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2017-02-08 featured press

Philippe Jaroussky on Facebook – “Nous avons parfois des expressions de visages bien étranges en chantant! …”

2017-02-08, Philippe Jaroussky on Facebook

“Nous avons parfois des expressions de visages bien étranges en chantant! […]”

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2017-02-17 featured press

Frank Egel Photography on Facebook – Philippe Jaroussky / französischer Opernsänger (Countertenor) für arte Magazin.

2017-01-17, Frank Egel Photography on Facebook

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2017-01-13 featured press

Varduhi Abrahamyan on Twitter – “Truly had a wonderful time in #Zuerich …”

2017-01-13, Varduhi Abrahamyan on Twitter

Truly had a wonderful time in #Zuerich […]

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2017-01-12_05 featured press

Eye Bags on WordPress – Elbphilharmonie Opening

2017-01-12, Eye Bags on WordPress

Hengelbrock programmed this evening – and this evening is a big deal far beyond Hamburg or Germany – and he starts with BRITTEN, then has DUTILLEUX (and the piani in the strings are unbelievable there) and then Philippe Jaroussky, from one of the balconies, sings “Dalle più alte sfere”.

This is the most brilliant piece of programming ever – the opening number of the 1589 Medici Intermedi in Florence, where the primadonna of the court descended from the heavens (well, stage heavens cart, but still) as the celestial harmony, singing this very piece that was, then, the latest in vocal development. I have never heard this programmed in a concert out of very, very obscure special events among Early Music nerds, and even then, very rarely. […]

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2017-01-12 featured press

Philippe Jaroussky on Facebook – “Deuxième concert d’ouverture ce soir, …”

Philippe Jaroussky on Facebook

Deuxième concert d’ouverture ce soir, quelle joie de rencontrer Sir Bryn Terfel! […]

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2017-01-12_07 featured press

The Telegraph – Hamburg finally gets a concert hall to be proud of – Elbphilharmonie, review

2017-01-12, The Telegraph, by Ivan Hewett

Typical of the evening’s phantasmagorical quality was the moment we had to turn to witness a performance from high up in the balcony, a song for counter-tenor and harp from the Florentine Baroque composer Cavalieri, sung with yearning pathos by counter-tenor Philippe Jaroussky.

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