2020-01-15 featured press

Opera World – Philippe Jaroussky: cantante sí, artista mucho

2020-01-15, Opera World, by Antonio Gascó


Lució elegante sensibilidad, buen manejo de los reguladores y un cuidado fraseo en «Im Frühling», precisos saltos de quinta en «Des Fischers Liebesglück», un cadencioso aire valseado en «An die Laute», un espíritu íntimo y doliente en «Die Götter Griechenlands» y una seductora galanura en «Wiedersehn».


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2020-01-15 featured press

ABC Cultura – Jaroussky cautiva (también) con Schubert

2020-01-15, ABC Cultura, by Pep Gorgori

“Con todo, algunas piezas sonaron más convincentes que otras. En la marcial «Gruppe aus Tartarus», por ejemplo, se echó en falta la intensidad que requiere la partitura. En cambio fue precisamente en las más intimistas, como «Im Abendrot», «Du bist die Ruh» o «Litanei» donde cautivó al público, que acabó aplaudiendo calurosamente y arrancándole dos propinas no por más previsibles menos acertadas: «Städchen» y «Die Forelle».” […]

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2020-01-14 featured press

Valencia Plaza – Del Barocco al Romanticismo – Jaroussky elige Les Arts para cambiarse de siglo

2020-01-14, Valencia Plaza, by Jacobo Ríos – Capapé Carpi


El contratenor francés es uno de los grandes, que ha demostrado saber servir a la música, y en este recorrido por distintos caminos artísticos que parece haber iniciado con decisión, puede abordar este repertorio, gracias a la versatilidad y que su con técón proporcionan en la adquisición de los recursos expresivos necesarios. […]

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El Correo – La poesía arrebatadora de Jaroussky y Ducros

2020-01-14, El Correo, by Juan José Roldán


El Espacio Turina va recuperando, e incluso superando, su función como templo absoluto y necesario de la música seria en la ciudad, con una programación cada vez más abundante y salpicada de grandes encuentros, como el que protagonizó anoche el más famoso de cuantos contratenores existen en la actualidad, Philippe Jaroussky. … […]

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2019-11-27 featured press

Boston Globe – With ‘La storia di Orfeo,’ Boston Early Music Festival provides a heavenly journey to the underworld

2019-11-27, Boston Globe, by A. Z. Madonna

Jaroussky made a power move in tackling Monteverdi’s “Possente spirto,” typically a tenor showpiece, as a countertenor. The reward was substantial; the top of his range was ethereal and airy, with no steely spikes. The small Boston Early Music Festival Chamber Ensemble, directed by Paul O’Dette and Stephen Stubbs, demonstrated a masterful grasp of dramatic tension in evoking the rolling Lethe waters.

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Seen and Heard International – Bejun Mehta and Danielle de Niese dazzle in La Scala’s Giulio Cesare in Egitto

019-10-25, Seen and Heard International, by Rick Perdian


I first heard Bejun Mehta at a Marilyn Horne Foundation concert early in his career. I thought then that he had the most beautiful countertenor I had ever heard, and time has not altered that assessment. He was joined by two other superstar countertenors, Philippe Jaroussky as Sesto and Christophe Dumaux as Tolomeo. Dressed in military garb with short trousers, Jaroussky looked and acted like a geeky boy scout, but his singing was fiery and passionate. Dumaux, bearded and louche, sang with equal bravura and had the richest tone of the three. […]

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KC Studio – Love and Laments: “La storia di Orfeo” with Philippe Jaroussky, Amanda Forsythe and Boston Early Music Festival Chamber Ensemble

2019-11-24, KC Studio, by Libby Hanssen

We forget, too often, that love and grief are two sides of the same coin. If you love, you will, eventually, grieve; if you do not grieve, you have not loved.

With the legend of Orfeo and Euridice, we see that inevitability played out. The popular myth, featuring the demi-god of song and a beautiful nymph, proved inspiration for many retellings, including the first opera over 400 years ago. […]

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2019-11-23_02 featured press

Revue L’Opéra – Critique – Fondation Arte Musica- La Storia Di Orfeo, L’œuvre Redessinée De Jarrousky [sic!]

2019-11-23, Revue L’Opéra, by Matilde Legault

La Salle Bourgie avait tous les honneurs de recevoir le 19 novembre dernier l’excellent contreténor Philippe Jaroussky, accompagné par la soprano Amanda Forsythe et le Boston Early Music Festival Chamber Ensemble. La direction du concert était aussi assurée par les luthistes Paul O’Dette et Stephen Stubbs, tous les deux étant précédés par leur grande réputation de spécialistes de musique ancienne. […]

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2019-11-23 featured press

Memeteria – La storia di Orfeo: Reframing an Operatic Myth

2019-11-23, Memeteria, by Thomas May

[…] Jaroussky sang with heart-rending eloquence and enormous musical intelligence. His delicately weighted countertenor added a sense of vulnerability not often found in tenor Orfeos, but he fully brought out the role’s passion and despair. In one of the many paradoxes that surround this myth and its musical transformations, his intricate embellishments conveyed overpowering emotional honesty rather than florid artifice — as if these words, in this context, could be expressed only in this way. […]

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