2021-03-21 featured press

concerti – „Alter Sänger, junger Dirigent“

2019-03-21, concerti, by Christian Schmidt

Jaroussky nach zahlreichen internationalen Preisen auch das. Dabei denkt der 41-Jährige auf dem Höhepunkt seiner Karriere auch darüber nach, seine ­musikalische Laufbahn radikal zu verändern. […]

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2019-03-21 featured press

yvelines-infos – Philippe Jaroussky : l’enfance prodigue

2019-03-21, Yvelines Infos, by Chloë Bringuier

Au delà de son travail d’artiste, Philippe Jaroussky est très engagé dans la transmission puisqu’il s’est investi avec le Conseil départemental des Hauts-de-Seine en créant l’Académie Jaroussky, qui propose aux enfants éloignés de la pratique musicale une approche ludique de la musique.

Vous pourrez retrouver le portrait complet du chanteur d’opéra dans notre magazine départemental à paraître le 23 avril 2019. […]

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2021-03-08_03 featured press

France Culture – L’invité culture – Philippe Jaroussky : “Il faut savoir être simple dans l’interprétation”

2019-03-08 France Culture, L’invité culture, Les Matins du samedi, by Caroline Broué

Le contre-ténor Philippe Jaroussky vient de sortir un nouvel album consacré à une figure majeure de l’opéra vénitien au XVIIe siècle, Francesco Cavalli. Mais il nous parle aussi de son Académie ouverte aux enfants éloignés des pratiques musicales, et de l’importance de la transmission. […]

Informations sur la journée spéciale Philippe Jaroussky sur France Musique, le 13 mars 2019.
Son récital aux Théâtre des Champs-Elysées le 5 avril.

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2018-02-23 featured press

blu – Whether King Or Girl – Translation to English

2018-02-23, Blue Fm, by Christian K. L. Fischer

” … What a life I had! I was able to travel the world, never had money problems, had the chance to meet all these musicians. Plus, I had a lot of time for my friends. What a privilege! And I am allowed to sleep in!”

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Translation to English
This is a fan translation; no infringement of copyright is intended. We believe it fulfills the criteria for “fair use,” discussion and study. Translation by *L

Even if he doesn’t look like it, star opera singer Philippe Jaroussky is already past forty. And with age, some small problems occasionally appear – or just a lumbago.

“It was just a wrong move, … and it is really very painful. But at least, for the next few days, I don’t have to sing!” he says, laughing on the phone after having to cancel his trip to Berlin for our interview.
“My father already had back problems … something like that happens to me every two years. I really need to start doing sports – but I’m so lazy.” There, however, he is greatly exaggerating. After all, Philippe is one of the most sought-after countertenors, and on top of engagements at the major opera houses world-wide, and regular releases, two years ago, he founded his own academy.

“Ombra mai fu” by Philippe Jaroussky is available HERE.

So, turning forty wasn’t a big deal at all? “That birthday is a big mark for everyone. But it was also a good moment for me to see what I have done so far, and what I still want to do. However, I confess, if I was going to die tomorrow, … What a life I had! I was able to travel the world, never had money problems, had the chance to meet all these musicians. Plus, I had a lot of time for my friends. What a privilege! And I am allowed to sleep in!” he concludes, laughing again. He isn’t even worried about his voice.

“When I was twenty, my voice was very flexible. When I listen to old recordings of mine, I know that I cannot do this anymore. In exchange, I now have awareness of melody and words. My voice might have lost quickness, but it became stronger and more expressive. And if I lost it tomorrow, I still could become a teacher.”

Which is one thing he seems to prepare for with his Académie Musicale Philippe Jaroussky. “I love the idea of accompanying people for a year, giving them opportunities and enabling them to start making friends. If I’m allowed to dream, then I want the Académie to survive me.” Even with his latest recordings, it seems he wants to teach the world, because while well-known composers and pieces are being recorded again and again, Philippe now dedicates his last project, “Ombra mai fu” to the Baroque master Cavalli.

“During the last five to ten years, there has been a revival of his music, because the dramatic potential of his music was finally being recognized. Most of his arias are barely five minutes long; it’s a style full of surprises. And his music if full of freedom.“

And then, there is something else that Philippe loves about his profession: the wonderful, opulent garments that are part of his performances. “I like dressing up! Above all, I’m a musician and have never been a born actor. Whether I’m a king or a girl on stage, the costume helps me a lot. We rehearse for weeks without the proper costumes. You sing in what you happen to be wearing, so it’s hard to get into character. But when the make-up and the costumes are there, … Now I can be different; now I can be crazy!”

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2018-11-07 featured press

Música Clásica BA – Philippe Jaroussky, un cantante excepcional y un ser humano entregado a la transmisión de un legado

2018-11-07, Música Clásica BA, by Alicia Perris

Abrigado, vestido con ropa casual azul, distendido, disponible, en su día libre de función, me recibe en una de las coquetas salitas de que dispone el laberíntico territorio desconocido del gran público del Teatro Real. Fue emocionante. Esto es lo que me dijo. Que lo disfruten, porque es singular y una verdadera exclusiva. […]

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2018-10-29 featured press

RMF Classic/Krakowskie Biuro Festiwalowe – ICE Classic odkrywa karty: wiemy, kto wystąpi w 2019 roku!

2018-10-29, RMF Classic, by n. N.

Już w styczniu przyszłego roku rusza kolejna odsłona cyklu ICE Classic. Trzy wielkie koncerty, cztery światowej sławy nazwiska oraz znakomite zespoły – w Centrum Kongresowym ICE Kraków czeka nas muzyczna uczta! Rozpoczną sir Simon Rattle i London Symphony Orchestra, a w kolejnych odsłonach ICE Classic wystąpią Philippe Herreweghe z Isabelle Faust oraz Philippe Jaroussky. […]

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2018-10-23_04 featured press

diario lírico – Philippe Jaroussky protagoniza el estreno en España de ‘Only the Sound Remains’

2018-10-23, diario lírico, by n. N.

El contratenor francés Philippe Jaroussky, el bajo-barítono estadounidense Davone Tines y la bailarina estadounidense Nora Kimball-Mentzos protagonizan este martes 23 de octubre a las 20.00 horas en el Teatro Real el estreno en España de la ópera ‘Only the Sound Remains’ de la compositora finlandesa Kaija Saariaho (Helsinki, 1952). La obra, que cuenta con la dirección escénica de Peter Sellars, podrá verse además del martes, los días 26, 29 y 31 de octubre, y 5, 7 y 9 de noviembre, a las 20.00 horas en todos los casos. Radio Clásica, de RNE, retransmitirá la ópera en diferido, en fecha todavia por determinar.

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2018-10-23 featured press

El Compositor Habla – Estreno en España de «Only the Sound Remains» de Kaija Saariaho

2018-10-23, El Compositor Habla, by n. N.

El próximo 23 de octubre se estrena en España Only the Sound Remains, de la compositora finlandesa Kaija Saariaho (Helsinki, 1955), encargada y coproducida por el Teatro Real junto con la Nationale Opera & Ballet de Ámsterdam, la Ópera Nacional Finlandesa, la Opéra national de Paris y la Canadian Opera Company.

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2018-10-22_03 featured press

Bachtrack – Philippe Jaroussky – Zurück zu den Anfängen

2018-10-22, Bachtrack, by n. N.

Warm und doch kristallklar, kräftig und zugleich zart schmeichelnd – das macht die Faszination von Philippe Jarousskys einzigartiger Counterstimme aus. Hört man ihn singen, versteht man die Begeisterungsstürme und die Ohnmachtsanfälle, die die Meister seines Stimmfachs in früheren Jahrhunderten beim zumeist weiblichen Publikum auszulösen vermochten. […]

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2018-10-22_02 featured press

La Razón – Paz, amor y abrazos de Peter Sellars

2018-10-22, La Razón, by Gema Pajares

«Kaija es un genio vivo», declara de ella Jaroussky, quien se alegra de que por una vez (y ojalá sirviera de precedente) pueda cantar una música que ha sido escrita para la voz de quien se dedica al repertorio de los castrati. ¿Qué significa ver morir a un ángel? A partir de mañana tienen siete funciones para descubrirlo.

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