2014-11-28 featured press

El País – Una voz mimada

2014-11-28, El País, by Xavier Pujol

La voz, entonces, es una verdadera voz de cristal. Para redondear el prodigio, la emisión es homogénea y el timbre, claro, con poco peso, se mantiene regular en todo el registro, algo no muy frecuente en los contratenores. Va un poco corto de graves, pero los agudos le son fáciles y de afinación y colocación perfectas.

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El Comercio – Gran cierre de temporada de la SFL con Philippe Jaroussky

2014-11-18, El Comercio

Lima disfrutó este sábado en el Auditorio Santa Úrsula del encanto y magnetismo de la música de Antonio Vivaldi en la interpretación de sus mejores embajadores, el contratenor francés Philippe Jaroussky junto al Ensemble Artaserse.

via El Comercio


Concerto – Excelência barroca

2014-11-12, Concerto

Philippe Jaroussky é um fenômeno à parte. Seu carisma e natural musicalidade atingem o âmago da música, deixando seu raro registro de contratenor em segundo plano, como mero meio de comunicação. Tecnicamente, o cantor é brilhante. Além de uma perfeita emissão vocal e absoluto domínio na sustentação de notas longas, com parcimoniosos vibratos, Jaroussky logra coloraturas impressionantes, sem jamais perder a sentido musical e estilístico. Absolutamente integrado ao conjunto Artaserse, do qual também é fundador, o artista ofereceu interpretações de altíssimo gabarito.

Source/Read more: Concerto


2014-02-27 featured press

The New York Times – An Orchestra Plays Backup Band as a Countertenor Takes Center Stage

2014-02-26, The New York Times, by James R. Oestreich

There are countertenors, and then there is Mr. Jaroussky.

[…] with Mr. Jaroussky, there is scarcely a sense of anything artificial in the vocal production. He sings with an ease and fluidity that you would think could come only from a natural voice. And that is before you lay on his keen intelligence and his tremendous artistry.

[…] But there was no fault to find with the performances. In the repeats of da capo arias, Mr. Jaroussky ornaments his lines lavishly yet so smoothly and naturally that if you hadn’t just heard him sing the opening relatively straight, you wouldn’t believe he was making this up.

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2013-10-31_02 featured press

Núvol – Jarousskelli desferma passions al Liceu

2013-10-31, Núvol, by Ovidi de Cardona

“El Liceu ja té el seu Messi dels contratenors.”

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2013-10-31 featured press

El País – El contratenor cercano

2013-10-31, El País, by Juan Angel Vela del Campo

Su canto fluía con calor, con una inconmensurable belleza serena y hasta confidencial. Era como si te cantasen directamente al oído. Tal vez por ello cautivó de una manera irresistible. Los fuegos de artificio dejaron en esta ocasión el protagonismo principal a los fuegos del alma.


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2013-10-30 featured press

El mundo – El contratenor como forma de rock star

2013-10-29, El Mundo, by Javier Blánquez

La tarde estuvo a un pelo de ser histórica precisamente por ser histérica

Jaroussky es un cantante extraordinario, su técnica es impoluta: en directo, en una sola toma y sin red, canta igual que en su último disco – Porpora arias […]

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2013-10-09 featured press

Berliner Morgenpost – Expedition ins vergessene Opernreich des 18. Jahrhunderts

2013-10-09, Berliner Morgenpost, by Felix Stephan

Solche Töne kann nur einer. Töne, die zu regenbogenschillernden Kantilenen heranwachsen. Auf unerschöpflichem Atem gesungen. Wenn Philippe Jaroussky, 35, die Arie “Alto Giove” (“Großer Jupiter”) beginnt, herrscht Magie in der Philharmonie. Ist das wirklich noch ein Mensch, der da singt? Oder doch ein Kunstprodukt, das die herausragenden Eigenschaften berühmter Sänger vereinigt? Galante Anmut und jugendhafte Eleganz, makellose Virtuosität, souverän dosierte Farben. Jaroussky ist der Popstar unter den Countertenören.

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2013-09-29 featured press

Вечерняя Москва (Moscow Evening) – Дом музыки открыл сезон концертом Филиппа Жарусски (House of Music opens season with concert of Philippe Jaroussky)

2013-09-29, Вечерняя Москва (Moscow Evening)

However, the charming voice, coupled with a boyish charm and good looks, together with some Hollywood acting intoxicated the hall.  And in the end, the audience, not even the most educated and sophisticated part of it, naturally falls into extatic rapture.

Но чарующий голос вкупе с мальчишеским обаянием и с голливудской внешностью действует на зал наркотически. И в финале публика, даже не самая просвещенная и утонченная ее часть, закономерно впадает в экстатический восторг.

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Limelight – The French countertenor makes love not war in the battle of Baroque singers

2013-03-28, Limelight, by
Live review: Philippe Jaroussky, Australian Brandenburg Orchestra, “Limelight,” the Classical Music and Arts Website, March 28, 2013

Philippe Jaroussky, Australian Brandenburg Orchestra City Recital Hall, Angel Place, March 15

With typical Gallic gallantry, then, Jaroussky neatly summed up the symmetry of the evening’s dual homage to two duelling voices of the Baroque: Carestini, the star attraction of Handel’s opera company in London, and the showman Farinelli singing in his mentor Porpora’s corner. Handel’s music may have won out in terms of modern-day popularity and enduring genius but, as Jaroussky and the Brandenburgs demonstrate, there is plenty of beauty and virtuosity to be found in the Italian composer’s work. His Alto giove, sung by Jaroussky in his typically sweet, focused tone, was a moment of profound stillness and pathos in an active program.

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