2019-04-09 featured press

2019-04-09, Duke University Libraries, by Sarah Griffin

Check out our very own “staff picks”:
Philippe Jaroussky and Artaserse, The Handel Album

French countertenor Philippe Jaroussky is among the most famous countertenors in the world right now, and it’s a voice range that has attracted growing interest in recent years. The high range of the countertenor voice and the manner in which its unusual qualities are produced results in a sound that has often been described as unearthly – it’s also a powerful and flexible voice type, able to handle music of stunning virtuosity and highly expressive pathos. […]

-Laura Williams, Head Librarian, Music Library

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2018-09-18 featured press

Le Figaro – Philippe Jaroussky met Haendel à l’honneur à l’occasion de deux concerts

2018-09-19, Le Figaro, by Thierry Hillériteau

Le contre-ténor retrouve son compositeur fétiche pour deux concerts mercredi et vendredi, à Versailles et à la Philharmonie. L’occasion de renouer avec sa complice, la soprano Emoke Barath.

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2017-11-09 featured press

Frankfurter Allgemeine – Eisblumenstrauß

2017-11-09, Frankfurter Allgemeine (FAZ), by Jürgen Kesting

Vorbei scheinen die Zeiten, in der die Stimme an das Geschlecht gebunden sein muss: Das zeigt sich bei Countertenor Philippe Jaroussky in der Elbphilharmonie. […]

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2017-09-11_02 featured press

Boris Schmidt Music on Facebook

2017-09-11, Boris Schmidt Music on Facebook

With Celine Scheen.

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2017-09-08_03 featured press

George Enescu Festival on Facebook – 8 September, Philippe Jaroussky, Céline Scheen, Images

2017-09-08, George Enescu Festival on Facebook

L’Arpeggiata Philippe Jaroussky – Page officielle Celine Scheen Photo credit: Alex Damian

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2017-09-08_02 featured press

George Enescu Festival – Händel goes wild sau…reinventarea barocului

2017-09-08, George Enescu Festival, by Angela Șindeli

[…] În fascinanta poveste, L’Arpeggiata i-a avut alături pe contratenorul Philippe Jaroussky și pe soprana Céline Scheen. Philippe Jaroussky, al cărui glas se confundă, pentru mine, cu însuși barocul, a surprins, ca de fiecare dată, prin muzicalitatea sa, prin frazarea impecabilă și prin firescul interpretării. Totul este atât de interiorizat și maiestuos condus, încât vocea sa nu poate să nu convingă. Am văzut, în această după-amiază, un muzician complet, încântat de provocarea lansată de ansamblul L’Arpeggiata, rafinat, cu simțul umorului. Céline Scheen, delicată și sensibilă, a dezvăluit o voce amplă, tandră, generos timbrată, în deplin acord cu vocalitatea lui Jaroussky, duetul ales pentru bis, Pur ti miro (C. Monteverdi), stând mărturie în acest sens. […]

In the fascinating story, L’Arpeggiata had Philippe Jaroussky and soprano Céline Scheen as counterparts. Philippe Jaroussky, whose voice is confusing to me, with Baroque surprised, as always, through his musicality, through the impeccable phrasing and his natural way of interpretation. Everything is so internalized and majestically driven that his voice cannot fail to convince. I saw this afternoon a full musician, delighted by the challenge of the L’Arpeggiata ensemble, refined, and with a sense of humor. Céline Scheen, delicate and sensitive, revealed a broad, tender voice with a generously timbre, in complete harmony with Jaroussky’s vocals, of which the duo chosen for bis, “Pur ti miro” (C. Monteverdi), was ample proof. […]

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2017-09-06 featured press

AVROTROS Klassiek on Youtube – L’Arpeggiata conducted by Christina Pluhar with Phillippe Jaroussky – Utrecht Early Music Festival

2017-09-06, AVROTROS Klassiek on Youtube

L’Arpeggiata conducted by Christina Pluhar with Phillippe Jaroussky – Utrecht Early Music Festival

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2017-09-04_02 featured press

Celine Scheen on Facebook – “Les lendemains de concerts à l’aéroport …”

2017-09-04, Celine Scheen on Facebook

“Les lendemains de concerts à l’aéroport …” […]

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2017-04-26 featured press

Cultura Estadão – Análise: contratenor Philippe Jaroussky faz apresentação notável na Sala São Paulo

2017-04-26, Cultura Estadão, by João Marcos Coelho


“Jaroussky, no pleno domínio de suas qualidades superlativas – seja de emissão, seja de expressividade interpretativa –, fechou com chave de ouro a noite com suas oito performances. Comoveu pelo amor que aflora em “Bel contento” e causou espanto pela incrível agilidade vocal na ária de bravura Rompo i Lacci, ambas de Flávio, Rei dos Lombardos. Juntos, orquestra e cantor uniram-se num pianíssimo dificílimo de se produzir com tamanha sutileza em Deggio Morire, o Stelle, de Siroe, Rei da Pérsia.”

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2017-04-24 featured press

Philippe Jaroussky on Facebook – “!Muchísimas Gracias Santiago !”

2017-04-24, Philippe Jaroussky on Facebook

“!Muchísimas Gracias Santiago ! …”

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