Like the best pianists or heroic singers — or dancers —, but something perhaps taken for granted with singers, one is never aware and never thinks about how he is making his sound and he always sings in character; the voice doesn’t come from his chest — it doesn’t really seem to come from his head either. But, paradoxically, his airy, even ethereal tone seems unconstrained, and even modest, his presence is distinctive and vivid rather than penetrating, is musical and theatrical by nature, rather than solid or forceful. This seems especially the case in the slow, grave arias and the slow powerful ones of mixed emotions like Handel’s Mi lusinga a dolce affetto from Alcina or Alto Giove from Polifemo.
Limelight magazine – Philippe Jaroussky: Natural High
2013-03-05, Limelight magazine
That’s a long break! Won’t it be difficult to return to singing?
“Of course, singing is my passion; it’s not only my job. But there is a lot of sacrifice and a lot of stress. That’s why I need this break, and I’m sure I will be very happy to sing again. But it’s true that when you are not allowed to do something, you want to do it. You want to have fun with friends, have parties, to smoke, to drink – why not? That’s what I’m doing now!” [laughs]
Philippe Jaroussky and The Australian Brandenburg Orchestra – YouTube
Source/Read more: “Limelight,” March 2013, interview by Melissa Lesnie
The Culture Concept Circle – Philippe Jaroussky – Sings Like an Angel & Rocks the Baroque
2013-02-21, The Culture Concept Circle, by Carolyn McDowall
Philippe Jaroussky | Australian Brandenburg Orchestra
Get Set to Rock the Baroque!
Paul Dyer, leader of the Australian Brandenburg Orchestra, which plays on period instruments, believes the award winning Jaroussky ‘… is one of today’s superstars of the opera world’. Judging from the rave reviews Jaroussky receives wherever he is in the world he certainly has a voice to cherish.
It is perfectly attuned to singing with the tone of an angel. It also has the added bonus of the thrilling ‘coloratura’ technique, with its runs, trills, leaps and virtuoso singing, a feat not often equaled in the world of male voices.
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Opera Today – Cecilia Bartoli Comes, Divides and Conquers
2012-10-5, Opera Today, by Rebecca Schmid
Her chemistry with the rising star Philippe Jaroussky in the role of Cornelia’s son, Sestus, who slays the Egyptian pharaoh in revenge, was as touching as the musical polish they both brought to every moment onstage. Jaroussky revealed impeccable taste in the ornamentation of the da capo to his aria “Cara speme, questo core.” […]
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Gramophone – VINCI Artaserse
2012-10 (?), Gramophone, by David Vickers
“The entire cast produces exceptionally good singing. Cencic and Jaroussky give a masterclass of dramatic countertenor singing, and Valer Barna-Sabadus and Yuriy Mynenko (the dastardly Megabise) are not far behind.”
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Home Theater High Fidelity – An Interview with French countertenor Philippe Jaroussky
2011-07-12, Home Theater High Fidelity
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The Berkshire Review – A Singer’s Notes 34: Early Listening
2011-07-06, The Berkshire Review, an international journal for the arts, by Keith Kibler
The Anfione, Philippe Jaroussky, delivered the most famous aria in the Festival’s big opera Agostino Steffani’s Niobe, an evocation of the music of the spheres, with an intense blending of his sound with the murmuring strings of the orchestra.
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Magyar Narancs – “Gyakorlatilag csak sztereotípiák”
2008-06, Magyar Narancs, by Teimer Gábor
MN: Az egyenjogúsítás nem jöhet a közönség elismerése útján?
PJ: De igen, ennek azonban olyan ára van, amit nem biztos, hogy meg akarok fizetni. Sokszor mondják rám ugyanis, hogy már-már popsztár vagyok, de amellett, hogy nem osztom a vélekedést, egyáltalán nincs is ínyemre. Ehhez a fogalomhoz olyan szervesen kapcsolódik a szexepil, a kinézet fontossága, hogy a zene teljesen háttérbe szorul. Ezt a helyzetet csak súlyosbítja, hogy az utóbbi időben már a klasszikus zenében is topmodellekhez hasonlatos énekesek jelennek meg, ami persze egyfelől csodálatos, ugyanakkor az emberek fejében veszélyesen összekapcsolja a szépség és a siker fogalmát, míg a tehetség másodlagossá válik. A fiatalság és szépség kultusza hihetetlenül fenyegető, hiszen így a klasszikus művészek is eldobhatóvá válnak. Némi túlzással: 10 év múlva jön valaki, aki szebb és jobban énekel, engem pedig levesznek a műsorról. […]
Source/Read more: [x] – La simple clarté d’Orphée
C’est à l’Atelier Lyrique de Tourcoing et à Jean-Claude Malgoire, qui lui fit faire quelques uns de ses premiers pas sur scène, que Philippe Jaroussky a réservé son premier Orphée de Gluck. Malgré un orchestre non sans brutalité, le contre-ténor s’est révélé la parfaite incarnation de la belle simplicité prescrite par le compositeur et son librettiste.
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360° – Philippe Jaroussky, Like A Virgin
360°, Le Magazine LGBT Suisse, 2006-04-07, by Emmanuel Coissy
Dernièrement à Berlin où le travail était passionnant, j’avais à peine dit bonjour à un autre chanteur que le metteur en scène dit: «Allonge-toi. Il va te violer. Et puis il y aura une autre nana qui va te violer aussi.» Il ne faut pas avoir de pudeur à l’opéra. […]
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